When wayward teen Kylie Bucknell is sent under house-arrest to live in the home she grew up in, she encounters something even more terrifying than her superstitious blabbermouth mother Miriam.
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2014: SXSW (South By Southwest) Film Festival (World Premiere), Dead by Dawn Film Festival (Audience Award), Fantaspoa International Fantastic Film Festival, Chicago Critics Film Festival, Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival, Pifan (Puchon International Fantastic FF), Fantasia Fest, Melbourne International Film Festival, Fantasy Film Fest, FrightFest, Slash Film Festival, Saskatoon Film Festival, Lund Fantastic Film Festival, Vancouver Film Festival, Sitges Film Festival, Kosmorama, Razor Reel Fancine, Black Bear Lodz, 2015: Syfy Fest